Your First ASP NET Web Application: How to Get Started

We added the HTML and CSS of the navigation bar using the master page. Developers can make use of ASP.NET on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and even Docker. ASP.NET is Microsoft’s free cross-platform framework for building web apps and services. The ASP.NET platform is an extension to .NET, a developer platform of tools, programming languages, and libraries used to build different applications. Example 24-7 illustrates a Global.asax file and shows you how to do that, and also adds the call which redirects the user to an error page if an exception occurs. In the Solution Explorer, you will be able to see the DemoApplication Solution.

  • Open a terminal, change directory to a directory that you want to work in, and
    run the following command to clone the repository.
  • If the above steps are followed, you will get the below output in Visual Studio.
  • After placing them on the page, you should change the ID and Text property for each control.
  • Refer to the following example to answer the prompts from docker init.
  • There are several resources available online where you can learn the ASP.NET syntax.
  • Step 2) The next step is to choose the project type as an ASP.Net Web application.

This flexibility allows developers to code the business logic and data access layer effectively. Another significant advantage of using ASP.NET is building dynamic web pages using C# with the help of a webpage templating syntax tool known as Razor. After placing them on the page, you should change the ID and Text property for each control. As we won’t be using labels in the code, you can leave their ID property values as generated, and just put appropriate labels in the Text property.


Inside the
docker-dotnet-sample directory, run the docker init command in a terminal. Refer to the following example to answer the prompts from docker init. ASP stands for “Active Server Pages”; ASP and ASP.NET are server-side technologies used to display interactive web pages. ASP.NET provides developers a lot of flexibility in a sizable, versatile ecosystem with various libraries and tools. Developers can also create custom libraries that they can share with any application created on the .NET platform.

asp net application examples

You should name the ID and TextBox controls txtName, txtStreet, and so on. Add one button and rename its ID to btnSave and Text property to Save. Switch to the Design tab for the Default.aspx page and from the Toolbox pane add the appropriate controls by dragging and dropping them on the page. You will need TextBox controls for the Name, Street, City, State, and Zip fields and corresponding label controls for each. Step 4) Now, it’s time to add a Web Form file to the project. This is the file which will contain all the web-specific code for our project.

Your First ASP.NET Web Application: How to Get Started

At the end of this tutorial you will find a complete set of ASP.NET references with objects,
components, properties and methods. In addition, Web Pages applications are easily extendable with programmable helpers
databases, videos, graphics, social
networking and more. From the Data list of controls on the Toolbox pane, add a GridView control and an ObjectDataSource (named dsContact). Please note that ControlToValidate property is set to the txtName control.

asp net application examples

You can create separate functions for each function and link it to the relevant asp tag in the corresponding .aspx file. The .aspx file will contain all of the HTML and CSS code of your web pages. Make sure that you use asp tags rather than HTML tags, because asp tags fetch data from the server and send input data to the server. This is the functionality characteristic is required in a dynamic web application.

Code of conduct

You can also utilize Visual Studio’s Toolbox to add display elements such as images, buttons, radio buttons, and more. There are several resources available online where you can learn the ASP.NET syntax. When a browser requests an ASP or ASP.NET file, the ASP engine reads the file, executes
any code in the file, and returns the result to the browser. Having creating these configuration files, everything is now in place to connect to a Coherence cluster and perform all operations supported by Coherence for .NET. This chapter provides step-by-step instructions to create a simple Windows ASP.NET Web application that uses the Coherence for .NET library.

Step 3) In the next screen, you have to choose the type of web application that needs to be created. In our case, we are going to create a simple Web Form application. You should now have the following contents in your docker-dotnet-sample
directory. Open a terminal, change directory to the docker-dotnet-sample/src directory,
and run the following command. In this Web Pages tutorial you will learn how to combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript
and server code, using server code written in VB
or C# . The description value from the C# code will be displayed in this placeholder.

Create Coherence for .NET Configuration Files

If the above steps are followed, you will get the below output in Visual Studio. In the terminal, run the following command to stop the application. Open a terminal, change directory to a directory software development that you want to work in, and
run the following command to clone the repository. Web Pages is one of many programming models for creating ASP.NET web sites and
web applications.

The method illustrated in Example handles page load events. If there is a removeKey value in the Request, the value mapped to the specified key is removed from the cache. In the you must specify a class that handles access to the Coherence for .NET configuration section. In the next section, you’ll learn how you can develop your application using
Docker containers. You can test the sample application locally without Docker before you continue
building and running the application with Docker. This section requires you to
have the .NET SDK version 6.0 installed on your machine.

Frameworks and Libraries

To start developing the overall look of your web page, you can use either code in the HTML/CSS yourself or use a template from Tailblocks. Razor also provides a syntax for creating interactive dynamic web pages incorporating HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C#. The client-side code is usually written in JavaScript, and ASP.NET can even be integrated with other web frameworks such as Angular or React. ASP.NET Core merges ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Web Pages into
one application framework. ASP.NET pages have the extension .aspx and are normally written in C# (C sharp).

How to use the unit of work pattern in ASP.NET Core – InfoWorld

How to use the unit of work pattern in ASP.NET Core.

Posted: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This demo shows how to construct flexible and fully customizable web apps for real-time data consumption and analysis. At W3Schools every example displays the hidden
ASP.NET code. Because ASP.NET code is executed on the server, you
cannot view the code in your browser.

Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests…

Click the OK button to generate a new solution and empty ASP.NET application. The following sections describe each of these steps in detail. If you follow all of the above steps and run your program in Visual Studio, you will get the following output.

asp net application examples



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